Personal Development

Never stop reading or assisting seminars, workshops, speeches. I just came back from Puerto Rico and want to shara 3 incredible motivational speakers:

-Yossi Ghinsberg: survived the Amozone all alone during 20 days
-Steve Donahue: crossed the Sahara following his compass and just knowing the right direction.
-Neal Petersen: Southafrican, black, poor and disabled who did not give up dreaming and persue his dream during 17 years: to sail around the world in the longest, most extreme race – nine months alone…

Some books I recommend:
Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, Dr. Joseph Murphy

Your Infinite Power to Be Rich, Dr. Joseph Murphy

The Lost Choice, Andy Andrews

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Steven Covey


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